Monday 15 February 2016

Understanding Poverty

So, before we begin, let's check - we have in this class 2 students who control more than half of the wealth of the entire class.

Then we have roughly half of the students who have just enough to get by - our Middle Class.

Finally, the other half of the class are our poverty stricken students. They live on $1 a day.

All good? Checked?

Here's how things are going to work today. You are going to have to pay for necessary and luxury items. The costs of each individual item vary depending on their status as necessity or luxury.

Devices will cost you $100
Seats will cost you $1
Pencils and pens will cost you $1

Wondering why we're doing this?

Let's recap: What is poverty? Think-Pair-Share (1 minute, write a definition, then share with your partner, 1 minute, then share with the class)

Video Time:


According to UNICEF, 22,000 children die each due to poverty

1 Billion children live in poverty.

More than half of the world's population live on less than 10 dirhams a day. Of those, 1.3 billion live on less than 3 dirhams a day.

Word Bank Time:

On your device (if you're lucky enough, on a piece of paper if you're living in poverty) write the word POVERTY. Then write at least 15 other words on that page that are linked to poverty.

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