Tuesday 16 February 2016

Developing Inquiry Questions

Hello everyone. You will need to prep for tomorrow's History assessment. The first thing you should do is watch the following video on Inquiry Questions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWLYCYeCFak

Good inquiry questions must be ones that are not too narrow or not too broad. For example, if you are able to come up with a question that can be answered with only one or two facts, then that is not a good question. If your question requires far too many different variations of an answer and far too many facts, then that is also not a good question for this particular assessment. You need to find a question that can be answered with a few good facts but won't stretch you in the 50 minute period.

For your assessment, you will need to answer two P.E.E paragraphs. The first one will need to be about the THREE LEVELS of Australian Government. The second P.E.E paragraph, will need to answer a question about ONE LEVEL of Australian Government and one of its responsibilities.

To revise for this assessment, please study the material listed on the History page of this blog, and of course, if you have any questions, please email me.

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