Monday 29 February 2016

Trachoma, Clean Water and Less Developed Countries

Lesson Objective - To learn about the causes and effects of Trachoma.

Recap - What is Trachoma? How is it connected to lack of access to clean water?

1. Write a brief summary about Trachoma. What is it? (use your own words)

2. List at least 3 different countries where there are cases of Trachoma.

3. What are the main causes of Trachoma? List at least 3.

4. What effect does the disease have on people? 

5. How can it be prevented?

6. How can it be completely wiped out of a community?

Using your homework as a guide, list the 3 less developed countries that you researched.

1. What percentage of the population has access to clean water?

2. What is the average adult yearly income in each country?

3. THINK: What can other countries do to aid less developed ones? (think pair share)

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