Wednesday 24 February 2016

Team News Article

In your teams at your desks, you are to plan and create a news article. The jobs will be divided up like this:

Lead: One person will write the Lead. This is where you state the - what, when, where, who.

First Paragraph: All the main information is to be given in this paragraph. This is important information that the readers are going to want first up.

Second Paragraph: This may include; quotes, statements and other information which is not as important.

If there are four of you in a group, then two of you will write the First Paragraph and split it into two paragraphs full of the most important information.

Please note that all your information must be taken from the following facts:

1. On Sunday, the 21st of February, both the UAE Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Trade announced that they would ban the import, export, sales and consumption of refined sugars.

2. No foods are allowed to contain any added sugar.

3. All retail outlets, fast food places and restaurants which rely on the sale of products containing refined or added sugars will be compensated, costing the UAE government a total of 4.5 Billion AED.

4. All schools are to ban the consumption and sale of refined sugars as well. Schools selling these products will be fined up to 100,000AED.

5. A spokesperson for the Ministry of Trade said that this will only hurt larger businesses in the short term.

6. A spokesperson for the Ministry of Health said that this would eradicate cases of diabetes, heart disease, some cancers and obesity.

7. The UN has come out in support of this law.

8. Brazil, who is the main exporter of sugar products to the UAE has come out attacking this law.

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